SEO Migration

Ensure the Preservation of Your Valuable Rankings with our SEO Migration

Changes can have a significant impact on a website’s search engine visibility. This is where SEO migration comes into play – a strategic process that involves transferring a website from one environment to another without compromising its search engine rankings.

Numerous individuals who own websites express concerns about vanishing from search results when transitioning to a new domain or server. Luckily, you can effortlessly sidestep this predicament and continue guiding users to your content seamlessly. By executing a proper site migration, you can benefit from a swifter server or an enhanced site design without adversely affecting your SEO.

What is SEO Migration?

SEO migration refers to the process of moving a website from one domain, platform, or structure to another while preserving its search engine rankings and traffic. This could involve changes in domain names, redesigning websites, or migrating to a new content management system (CMS). The primary goal of SEO migration is to ensure a smooth transition that doesn’t negatively impact a website’s performance in search engine results.

Here are some different types of migrations:

Reconfiguring your domain or subdomain: The identity of your website is closely tied to its domain name or address. A common step in effective rebranding involves migrating to a new domain.

Upgrading your hosting plan: When your current web host is unable to accommodate your expanding audience, it becomes necessary to seek a new one. The transition to a different hosting provider entails a move to an entirely new server.

Adjusting your site structure or design: To rejuvenate your website, consider migrating it to a staging site where substantial changes can be safely implemented. Subsequently, these modifications can be seamlessly applied to your live site.

Competitive marketplace insights

Shifting from an HTTP to HTTPS URL structure: Without an SSL certificate, Google may label your website as “not secure.” Enhance your SEO by transitioning to the more secure HTTPS protocol.

User experience issues

Adopting a new Content Management System (CMS): Opting for a superior framework or CMS can be a strategic move to enhance your site’s security and performance.

Does a Migration Affect SEO?

Considering that a migration represents a substantial alteration to your website, it has the potential to influence Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Shifting to a new server or domain entails Google re-indexing your WordPress site, which might lead to a temporary decline in organic traffic.

When not executed correctly, migrations can inadvertently cause issues such as broken links, 404 errors, and missing images. These errors, when visible to visitors, can prompt them to swiftly exit your site, contributing to a higher bounce rate that may adversely affect your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) position.

Nevertheless, the long-term advantages generally outweigh the drawbacks. Moving to an improved web host often results in faster loading times for your audience. Following a comprehensive site redesign, your website’s User Experience (UX) is enhanced.

In the end, these factors contribute to a higher visibility in search results. Moreover, with a well-planned strategy in place, your migration is less likely to inflict significant damage on your SEO.

How Linkinx Facilitates SEO Migration

Linkinx is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the SEO migration process, mitigating potential risks and ensuring a smooth transition. Here’s how Linkinx can be a valuable asset:

Pre-migration Steps:

SEO Audit: We conduct a thorough SEO audit of the existing website to understand its current state. Identify top-performing pages, high-ranking keywords, and backlink profiles.

Benchmark Current Performance: We record current rankings, traffic, and conversion metrics to measure the impact of the migration.

Backup: We backup all website files, databases, and configurations to avoid data loss.

Crawl Your Existing Website: We use a website crawler (e.g., Screaming Frog) to create a detailed map of your existing website structure, URLs, and meta information.

Identify Key Pages and Content: We identify high-traffic and high-converting pages. Ensure they maintain relevance in the new structure.


Choose the Right Time: We plan the migration during a period of low traffic if possible to minimize disruption.

Create a Redirect Plan: We map old URLs to new ones using 301 redirects. This ensures users and search engines are directed to the correct pages.

Update Internal Links: We review and update internal links to reflect the new site structure.

Update External Links: We reach out to external websites linking to your content and request that they update their links.

Handle Subdomains: We decide how subdomains will be treated—whether they will be redirected, maintained, or created anew.

Technical Implementation:

Update DNS Records: Our experts update DNS records to point to the new server or hosting provider.

SSL Certificate: If applicable, our expert will install an SSL certificate for the new domain.

Implement 301 Redirects: Our expert Implement 301 redirects all old URLs to their corresponding new URLs.

Update Robots.txt: Our expert Ensure your robots.txt file is updated to reflect the new website structure and to allow search engines to crawl.

XML Sitemap: Our experts create and submit a new XML sitemap to search engines.

Canonical Tags: Our experts implement canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues.

Check for Crawl Errors: Our expert monitors the Google Search Console and fixes any crawl errors or issues.


Verify Redirects: We verify that all 301 redirects are working correctly.

Update Google Analytics and Search Console: Our experts update the domain and property settings in Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Monitor Traffic and Rankings: We monitor website traffic, rankings, and user behavior after migration.

Fix Issues Promptly: We address any issues that arise promptly to prevent negative impacts on SEO.

Resubmit XML Sitemap: We resubmit the XML sitemap to search engines to ensure they have the latest information.

User Testing: We conduct user testing to ensure a smooth user experience on the new site.

Website Migration Examples

Below are a few instances of website migration to assist you in staying well-prepared and informed:Below are a few instances of website migration to assist you in staying well-prepared and informed:

Unsuccessful site migration examples

Here’s an illustration of a considerable decline in traffic following the migration of a jewelry retailer’s website first to a new domain (B) and subsequently to another domain (C) characterized by a subpar backlink profile:

The website implemented erroneous redirects, resulting in a notable decrease in traffic.

It is imperative not only to undertake the task but also to execute it accurately. The implementation of redirects during migration, a necessary step, must adhere to the appropriate methodology.

Successful site migration examples

Here’s an example of a website that built distinct pages for different areas, resulting in an immediate visitor spike:

Website migration is undoubtedly a complex task, steeped in technical intricacies. While undertaking SEO migration independently is feasible, numerous businesses handle it internally. Adhering to both pre and post-migration checklists and steering clear of significant pitfalls is crucial to prevent inadvertently harming your website.

Nevertheless, the likelihood of errors is considerable. A minor misstep could translate into months of recovery time.

This is where our expertise comes into play. Entrust the responsibilities of site migration and technicalities to us, allowing you to concentrate on your core business activities. Connect with Linkinx for assistance with site migration and technical SEO services.